Hi everybody,
We are four students from the Lycée Lyautey : AÏda, Ghita, Fatem and Kenza.
Today we wanted to present you another important subject as “1ere S” : S.V.T which stands for Science de la Vie et de la Terre (science of life and earth) It’s a subject who encompasses biology and geology: it takes 4 hours a week. Although most students don’t like geology that is why our teacher started with it in order to finish it as quickly as possible. We started with the composition and the structure of the earth and it actually sounds as boring as it is, even if we learn lots of things about what is going on below us! So we are thrilled to start the biological part where we will study the nervous system but also the genotype and phenotype (DNA). It is probably the hardest part but also the most interesting one, especially for the people who want to study medicine (just like Aida does!!). Every week we have T.P. which means Travaux Pratiques. That is when we practice in a lab, where we are able to dissect, manipulate and observe with microscopes pretty performant…

A month ago we went for a field trip in a geological site next to Casablanca (it was actually more two hours of going round and round in the mountains) to see rocks, faults, fossils, etc …
Our teacher tries very hard to make geology sounds funny and pleasant !! These are some pictures of our trip:

Actually we have amazing teacher this year in all the subjects!
Our S.V.T. teacher is also our “principal teacher”: she is the one who tries to make life easier and listens to our problem with other teacher but she also tries to solve disagreements between two students.
We have a very good relationship with teachers, we even communicate with them thanks to facebook and we are planning on going to a restaurant before Christmas’ holydays!
So Mrs Sabatier, your teacher, has a new boyfriend... How interesting!