Nov 4, 2010

Aid Al Ahda...

Hello my name is Jad El Azali and I want to speak about a religious holiday in my home country: Morocco. It’s the "sheep’s holiday" and it’s called “Aid Al Adha” which occurs about three months after the first day of Ramadan. This holiday symbolizes the submission of Ibrahim to God who ordered him to sacrifice his son Ismael. Ibrahim accepted because he wanted to show his submission to God. Ibrahim is God’s messenger for Muslims. God told him that he could use a sheep instead of Ismael. That’s why now; we slit the throat of the sheep every year. After this fact, we can eat with the family every part of the sheep on this same day. This year we think that it’ll take place on the 17th or 18th of November.
What about me? I love these days because we can stay together with our family. I have been used to practising this custom since I was a child. Even the poorest people feel like they have to buy a sheep by anyway (to sell one piece of furniture or something else).

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