Nov 14, 2010

History & Geography.

History and Geography.

Hello we're students in "Première s" in the Lycée Lyautey. Today, we wanted to speak about the subject that we study here, so we decided to tell you about one we study 2 hours and a half a week : History and Geography. It is a really import subject in our opinion because it let you know and understand your past so you can also better underwand today's world, how it works and why, how the society work in every country. This subject taught us how big and complex is the world and we can distinguish each nation according to its specificities.

In History this year, we study the lattest part of the History (two last centuries), we already saw that before but go over it again to deepen the topic.
In Geography, we studied the Europe and the European Union but the program in Geography is very varied so it does not make sense to sum up the whole thing in only few sentences unlike we did for History where it was possible.
Moreover, we can say that we also and mainly study the method : how to look into a document, how to do an analysis, how to take an exam or how to make Geography sketches for example.

This year, our teacher is a woman and she's also our TPE and ECJS teacher. She is young, dynamic and interesting teacher. We're glad we've got this teacher because it makes what we study even more interesting and we also think that this teacher helps us a lot to focus on the lesson.

At the moment, we study History : the 2nd industrialization, from 1850 to 1939, in France, Germany, UK and the USA. It's a quite attractive topic which also pretty deals with economics.

This is actually what we wanted to tell you this time, and now we'd like to discover how stuffs go on for you !

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