Nov 1, 2010

From Maria...

" Hi everybody, my name is Tahri Maria, I'm moroccan. I think that it's very nice to know people from an other country, with another way of live, religion etc.. It's very enriching to discover a new culture. So I'm going to intruduce my self, my country, and my high school. I'm 15, and I live in Casablana ( the economic capital of Morocco) with my parents and my little brother. Well, now lets talk about school, I'm in première S (a scientific class) and I study at the french school Lycée Lyautey. At the end of the school year we have to take an important exam the french Baccalauréat . This year our schedule is fool, we start our school day at 8.00 am and we usually finish at 6.00 pm, except saturday ( we finish at 12.00), and we have a lot of homework so we don't have much free time to practice sports ( hope it's not the same for you). But we already knew that before choosing this class, and it's for our own good. Well, about the country, the wheater like is often hot and pleasant, even in winter. Most of the country is muslim, but our high school is secular, so we belong to various nationalities.
Awaiting your answers.
Tahri Maria "

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