Nov 14, 2010

Spanish at Lyautey...

A bit of our school-life ...

In Spanish class, our professor, who's a woman, teaches us how to speak, to write, to understand and to be understood in the Spanish language. Morrocco is the closest African country to Spain, and in the north, lots of Morrocans speak spanish like they speak Arabic. In our high school, teachers have classical methods like reading texts and answering written questions, but sometimes some of the Spanish teachers like ours adopt new methods : listening to Spanish songs, called "canciones" or watching Spanish movies or "peliculas" like the one we watch : "te de mis ojos" that stands for "I give you my eyes".In Spanish class, the students sit all around the teacher, whose desk is in the middle of the class. The teacher stands up to speak to us or to write on the board, which is white in our class .

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