Nov 4, 2010

Moroccan weddings...

Hi everyone ! Our English teacher asked us to write an article on this blog to practise our English , to introduce ourselves blablabla...

But I’m note here to talk about me , my school … I think you all noticed that we are in Lycée Lyautey , in 1ere Scientific etc.. But , I really want to present you weddings in Morocco !
It’s a very special event where men have to wear costumes (of course) and women , the caftan which is a traditionnel Moroccan dress. First of all , before the wedding there is the engagement when the two families meet. Then , there is the big night where everyone has to come ! There are a lot of tables, food…Well in that case , it’s not that different from other weddings in other countries. But , at the begining we don’t see the bride, she comes later on a huge tray held by some men ! There is a lot of music , a specially folklor and traditionnal. Then the party can go on for the whole night and sometimes breakfast is even served at dawn ! Currently , there is a new trend of wedding parties starting early and finishing early, until two to three am.

Well , I think that’s it ! If you want more information , you can of course add me on Facebook ! Alya Annabi.

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