Nov 11, 2010


Hi , we are Karim Kharchafi and Kenza El Khadir , students in Lyautey high school in "1ère S" (S for scientifique) We have a full time table and our curricular is really complicated. Actually , we're studying maths 6 hours a week and it's very difficult.
Here area picture of Karim with our math teacher for this year, every year we have a new teacher and we change the method of work because every teacher has a different way to work with us.

This year for exemple we start with the lesson and we are making applications to understand them, then we do exercises to train before having test. Generaly, the exams are very hard and we have to practice a lot . We all find that the first S is a stressing class.
At the beggining of this year, we started by a very difficult lesson, wich was among the last ones in the curricular , the lesson is " The barycenter" and it's a very difficult one, then we followed up with the second degree polynomials and the abolute value. The exams are so hard and we are trying to cope with it .
What about you ?

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