Nov 3, 2010

From Saad...

Hi everybody, I’ll introduce myself. I’am Saad, I live in Casablanca, Morocco with my parents and my younger brother Amine. I’m 17 years old, I go to lycée Lyautey. I’m in year 12 which means at the end of this year we have to take an examination: it is the French Baccalauréat. I’m in scientific branch; I chose it because I like Mathematics and Chemistry but to be honest I’m not keen on Arabic. My favorite hobby is tennis but I play it just on weekends because during the week we don’t have much time. My favorite city is Paris because we can have fun there. Well, now I’m going to describe my country, most people in this country are muslims, everybody laughs. We can have fun, there are good places. Hope having your answer soon...

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