Nov 2, 2010

From Fahd.

Hello everybody . I don’t have a lot of inspiration because of the holidays so i’ll introduce myself. I’m Abali Fahd , I’m 17 years old and I live in Casablanca. Physically, I’m tall and thin. I’ve got short and brown hair and brown eyes. I’m someone who likes laughing, is quite nice and nasty if you push him into the limits. I’m a sporty guy, i enjoy spending times with my friends, playing football and videogames. At school , I chose the scientific branch , the hardest one so I have to study a lot. I love Music , everytime I have a moment, I listen to Rap or House music. I like travelling, my favourite destinations are Paris , Marbella and Montreal , three citys with differents characteristics but when you’re there , you can be certain that you’ll have fun ! I’ll write you soon about my city and about the places when young people can have fun ! Leave comments , Goodbye .

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