Nov 24, 2010

From Mohamed.

Hi everybody
I’m Mohamed; people calll me SIMO, I’m sixteen years old. I study in the “Lycée Lyautey” which is a French school. This year I’m in level named “premiere S” that is the scientific class where my classmate are between sixteen and eighteen years old. We have nine subjects to study in the week:
-FRENCH (4 hours)
-ENGLISH (2 hours)
-ARABIC (4 hours)
-PHYSICS/CHEMISTERY (4hours and half)
-HISTORY/GEOGRAPHY (2 hours and half)
-ECJS (an hour all the two weeks)
Lycée Lyautey is one of the biggest French schools abroad. We are 3,400 students and 600 teachers. The school is located in Casablanca, the economical capital but I don’t live at Casablanca, I live in the road of Tamaris. I get up at 6:45 s to arrive at school at about7:45. My typical school day begins at this time for finishing about at 6:00pm with three breaks. The first at 9: 45 which lasts fifteen minutes, the second which is the lunch break and which lasts an hours, the third is a break of fifteen minutes at 4:00pm. After I will present you the subject BIOLOGY/GEOLOGY which is the English for SVT.

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