Jun 4, 2011

Dear Human Being... by Alya A.

We know each other very well. In fact, we spend one hour, maybe two, together per week. I love when you're here, taking my hands, driving me in every alley, giving me some food, drinks and even some money when I'm not attached to my many friends. But the funny thing in this relationship is that every time you go home, you completely forget me. That hurts but I know it's not your fault. Actually, it's not a big of a deal because you trust me: when your child is with you, you put him on me so he can play with all the food you gave me. Indeed, I noticed that today, human beings are very generous. Sometimes you give me so much food that my that my stomach hurts.
I think it's what we call consumer society. I noticed that many years ago, people were buying only what they needed most. But now, in supermarkets, most people ( except old grandpas and grandmas) which includes you, are to advertising which leas you to excessive consumption.
For example, sometimes your child starts crying to have come cereals with a toy inside and even if you don't need cereals: you buy them. Maybe it's not your fault for you to succumb. You may just be a victim of this consumer society which drives your pocket-money down.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.

       Respectfully yours, your favorite caddy

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