Jun 4, 2011

By Younès M.

 I decided to share with you a short summary of my school year. The beginning of this year has not been really easy, firstly because I was a repeater and I always thought that repeaters were frowned and secondly, I didn’t know many people from this “younger” generation.                                                                    It took me almost one month to know my new classmates and to be more integrated. Our teachers  were really nice, I liked my English and Physics teachers but my Sciences teacher was my favorite           Since my first marks, I quickly realized that repeating will be beneficial. Last year, lessons and tests used to be a calvary for me but I am again the good student I was during my first years in high school. I finally arrived to this conclusion: losing one year in our life is nothing and repeating is not a shame and can only be beneficial.                                                                                    Now we are at the end of the school year, we still have nearly two weeks of work and then we will have two weeks to prepare our final French exam, written test on 16th June and oral test on 27th June. Finally I will be able to enjoy my holiday and to forget the word work!   

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