Jun 4, 2011

See you in September...

As a teacher of English, I must say I have been elated to work and spend some time with you. Until this year, having "S" pupils was kind of a punishment... But you have made me change my mind and I hope I'll find some of you in Terminale S, next year... I wish you wonderful holidays!

Argana Café... by Anas N.

At the beginning, it had to be only holidays between cousins to celebrate their birthday. As a present, their grand-parents had offered them this beautiful journey to Marrackech. So, to take advantage of it really, on a Thursday morning, both18 and 20 years old, the young women, had decided to go and have a drink in Argana café, to contemplate the view which the terrace of the café offers on Jamma El Fna square. But soudenly, at about 12 :00 a.m, a violent explosion was heared on the square at the terrace. Then it’s the death which surprised one of the cousins, the other was in a critical situation.

The person who commited the crime by putting down the bomb, is a 25 years old Moroccan influenced by the ideas of Al-Qaida like two of his friends. In reality, all the Moroccan population is touched by this attack, its denounces it, knowing that Morocco is a peaceful country of the pleasure to live, which welcomes tourists of allover the world instead of making them runnnig away. But I think that the Moroccans are going to help their country to give it all its vitality.

A One Month Long Dream... by Ana-Isabella

Who has never heard about Cambridge?

For some, this word is synonym of history, for others it is related to the idea of prestige and for many, we have to admit that Cambridge means elitism above all. For me it is none of these…Or maybe it is everything at the time. The best way I could describe this is to say that this university is my dream, my deepest aspiration. I could sound silly trying to reach the most famous university in the world, but it doesn’t matter, as impossible as it could be, it remains my desire. And this summer, I will have the bliss of belonging to this place of discovery and brightness. For one month, I will attend the Cambridge Summer School, making this way a part of my dream come true. I can imagine it, wandering in its gardens, staring at those buildings soaked of history and even myth…I can almost see Newton sitting beneath his apple tree, wondering how everyone is strongly attached to the ground. And then I wake up, coming back from my travel across the time, ready to open my eyes on all the mysteries of what makes us different from animals, men and women, with feelings, emotions. Indeed every morning, I will participate in the Medicine and the Brain course, understanding the fascinating motor which organized this world we live in. This course will allow me to figure out if neurosciences will become the nucleus of my job one day, and represents a pace toward my professional life. I will also have the chance to get to know people from all over the world, discovering new cultures that will surely enrich me. How wonderful it seems to spend one month with new friends in a college created several centuries ago!
I am sure that this month is going to be a life experience in a unique background that will surely make me evolve.

By Chayanne L.

Like every morning, I wake up. The scent of the milk makes me feel happy…but the thing that makes me feel really good is to watch them. They are so meticulous. The ceremony starts at 7 o’clock. The male goes to the bathroom and begins what they usually call “shaving”. Hilarious. Like every morning, I play with the insects but today, it’s different. I just want to watch them. O.K, maybe I want to laugh a bit…but then? What’s wrong with that?
I cannot solve this question…why? Why do they do this every morning? The female is the weirdest of the family. She wakes up 1 hour earlier to paint herself! I mean, why? I’ve always wanted to ask her. Why do you paint yourself? You are already…ugly.
Finally, the best part of the day: they eat. After wearing uncomfortable things, they se themselves around a table. One time a day. But the fact is that they don’t even speak!
Their lives are so difficult. So different. But I think I have understood them a bit. They are running after papers called “money”.  Reality is different: They run after happiness. The path they entered in was not chosen by them. The society did.
It’s like finding a needle in a hay pack. Most people don’t find it anymore.
So the question is that why am I still here? I could escape, if it was a jail. I am old now, serenity is all I need.
However, there is another reason:  I think they have become, in a way, a kind of pets for me. I give them the love they need even if sometimes I wish I could speak their language. Telling their four truths. It’s better like this. And I prefer let the dogs lie speak!
But there is one question I will never know the answer…Why do they call me Poupette?! Yeah, for sure, it’s a life cat, my life.

By Younès M.

 I decided to share with you a short summary of my school year. The beginning of this year has not been really easy, firstly because I was a repeater and I always thought that repeaters were frowned and secondly, I didn’t know many people from this “younger” generation.                                                                    It took me almost one month to know my new classmates and to be more integrated. Our teachers  were really nice, I liked my English and Physics teachers but my Sciences teacher was my favorite           Since my first marks, I quickly realized that repeating will be beneficial. Last year, lessons and tests used to be a calvary for me but I am again the good student I was during my first years in high school. I finally arrived to this conclusion: losing one year in our life is nothing and repeating is not a shame and can only be beneficial.                                                                                    Now we are at the end of the school year, we still have nearly two weeks of work and then we will have two weeks to prepare our final French exam, written test on 16th June and oral test on 27th June. Finally I will be able to enjoy my holiday and to forget the word work!   

Summer is coming ... by Mariam A.

As we all know, it is nearly summer time, the weather is awesome, days are very long, and school is almost finished. Everybody is wearing shorts, skirts, and flowery dresses. But there is still a step to cross before enjoying entirely the sun and the sea: The bikini tryouts!                      
Every girl in the universe thinks about it all the year long and when the D-Day is near, she tries every possible thing to stay as slim as she can. Everything is easy for a girl that wants to buy a nice swimming suit in order to be the most attractive girl on the beach: hard diets, extreme sports training, even surgery in some cases!
And you wonder why they do these crazy things, why they destroy their own bodies to look like skeletons? Because magazines, television, movies, every media show hem he image of perfect girls, so skinny, so beautiful, wearing the best fashion, and looking so happy and self confident.
So, every teenage girl wants to become like that, to look like a top model because she lacks self-confidence and trust in her own body. Bu girls have to know that they are all very pretty in their own way. No need to put themselves in an extreme hunger or spend all their savings in plastic surgery.
The world is full of different people, cultures, appearances and mentalities and that is what makes it beautiful and worth to live in. So do not try to look like everybody because your own personality and appearance is way better!

By Mehdi C.

Well, hello everybody. This is the last time I write something for this blog and I’m quite sad about it because I always loved to show you parts of my culture (which I hope you enjoyed!). You probably remember that we already posted on this blog many articles about different topics such as Moroccan celebrations, our time-tables or even Sci-Fi stories, but this time it’s different. Indeed, our English teacher told us we were totally free, we could write whatever we wanted for this last time on the blog, there wasn’t any constraint. Thus, I’ve been thinking about what I could tell you since last Monday, It was hard because I needed something original, without being boring ; something about my personal feelings but that could interest you. Thinking about it for hours didn’t help me a lot, in fact I couldn’t find topic special enough to be worth posting on the blog. Because I’d rather get your interest rather than getting a good mark, I thought I would do something risky that time. Well, you’re wondering if I finally found out this topic, the topic of this post ? This is a good question that I’ve also been asking myself since I had my first good ideas. It was so much a stress that it reminded me of my French exams I’m taking in June, and how they are stressing me. Indeed, the pressure on me because of those is much more important than for the topic of this post, so I probably shouldn’t have stressed that much. Judge by yourself: this French exam for which we’re actually preparing and thinking since the « 6ème » (which is the level of school five years behind mine) is composed of two parts, the written one that takes place on June, the 16th is a four-hours-during and difficult exercise of French literature and the second one, the oral part on about the 23rd of the same month, is even worst because we have to know by heart so many things… Well, so let’s come back to what I was saying: to answer your question, yes finally I found the topic I wanted to share with you but when I came this morning to school to write it down in English class, I was still hesitating. At first, I didn’t remember it, but today is Friday the 13th, a day which people often think of as a synonym of bad luck. Even if I don’t believe in that, this quite confused me, and I have to say that every other student in the class seems to know exactly what he is talking to you about. Indeed, I can see them right now and the teacher just said there were only 10 minutes left but everybody (or almost everybody) including me is writing. I’m sure you’re still waiting for me to tell you what subject I finally chose and there is no more reason for me to make you wait, so I’m just going to tell you. You probably already figured it out, this article is some kind of meta-article which means I am myself telling you about writing of this ! I’m glad I finally managed to do it. I hope you enjoyed it and thought it was original. So good bye everybody, and take care of you !