Mar 20, 2011

November 2020

November 2020, Miles Hunter, a very well-known politician and candidate in the American presidential election, is about to marry Melissa Stancker, a very famous television host. Hunter will face tonight in a televised debate, his mentor, Manfred Von Karma, an experienced lawyer, known for his very special oratorical methods and candidate in the presidential election. Fifty minutes before the debate, Miles receives a call from an unknown number: he doesn’t know that this call will ruin all his professional projects and his private life. In order to comprehend correctly this story, we must go back a month before!

-Indeed, in October 2020, Miles and Melissa were enjoying a breakfast in their apartment, in Manhattan. Before going to work, Melissa didn’t find her purse in the apartment: very worried, she finally found it in the building’s stairs. Intrigued, she opened the purse and found a note, a very strange note. It said: “Are you really sure that you’ll marry Miles?” Melissa checked her purse, to make sure that all her important documents were here: except a bottle of coke, everything was in the purse. Surprised by this act, Melissa supposed that a fan (hysterical, of course) probably thought up this joke, in order to call her attention … But unfortunately for her, she was wrong! This information taken in consideration, we can understand the whole story. Let’s return on November 2020!

-Miles receives a call from an unknown number, he answers. A man, with a very threatening and menacing voice, says:

“ -Mister Hunter?
-Yes, it’s me.
-If you don’t want to shatter and ruin your life, you must abandon your project of being president and stop your electoral campaign.
-What are you talking about? Who are you?
-I’m somebody who knows everything about you … including some incriminating and compromising information for a very eminent politician, as you, Miles!
-Which information? I didn’t commit any crime!
-A crime is nothing compared to what I know about your life.
-Who are you?
-I repeat now: stop your electoral campaign and you’ll have a clear conscience!
-Never! Blackmailing me isn’t a very effective method, in order to dissuade me!
-Even if I reveal that your future wife, Melissa, is in fact … your sister?
-My sister? It’s ridiculous!
-My allegations are founded … scientifically speaking!
-Scientifically speaking … what do you insinuate?
- Have you thought about it carefully? I stole a bottle of coke, from Melissa’s purse in order to do something, because I want to prove a family connection between you and Melissa. So, what did I do?
-A DNA test?
-Yes, indeed. I collect some Melissa’s saliva, in the bottle of coke and I compared it with your DNA … The results are perfectly clear!
-But … how did you collect my DNA?
-Excellent question. I’m somebody that you’ll never suspect … more precisely, you’ll never suspect who is my boss!
-Manfred … You’re probably a Von Karma’s henchman!
-Perhaps. I give you a chance: if you abandon your electoral campaign, maybe that I’ll never reveal the fact that you’ll marry your sister. If you don’t accept, your career will be shattered and I’ll ruin your private life, by revealing all these secrets!
-It’s ridiculous …
-And if I say that Von Karma, who considers you as his son, was in fact one of your father’s friends and was also in contact with your sister’s adoptive family … with Melissa’s family!
-You’re wrong! Don’t talk about Melissa as if she is my sister!”

-At that precise moment, after all these revelations, totally hopeless, Miles hangs up the telephone. He takes a gun, puts it on his temple and pushes on the trigger. His body will be discovered twenty minutes latter, by Melissa. Desperate, she takes the gun and kills herself. This tragedy will move to tears all the United States. Next month, Manfred Von Karma will be unanimously elected  as new president and he’ll  cover up his implication in this case of double suicide.

Ghita Agouza Bennis, Kenza Bennis, Mehdi Charaf, Fatem Kadiri, Maria Tahri
1ère S 5

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