Jan 9, 2011

Moroccan Weddings!

" Moroccan weddings are very friendly parties lasting up to seven days and usually celebrated in summer. One of these days is called "Hannah, " the bride is with her family and people are dancing all the afternoon.The bride doesn't move because his hands and feet are covered with patterns and designs with " Hannah" , wich is a vegetable used in Morocco during the feasts to decorate the women's hands.
The bride wears a traditional dress with gold or diamond jewels and she's sitting next to his husband. Sometimes the husband isn't there when there is just women is the party.
The wedding evening, the bride most beautiful than ever, thanks to the hours spent to make up by a professional, wearing a wonderful morrocan dress, arrives in the wedding house when everybody is already there, sitted in the "amariya" (a kind of wonderful chair) and raised up by four men wearing special white clothes with the typical morrocan red cope, while a special song and all the guests applaud.
Then, she sits with her husband in their place, sign some papers and are finally officially married, they symbolise this by drinking some milk and eating a date.
A few moments later, she wears another morrocan dress and say hi to the guests.
After the prestigious dinner, about one or two hours later, she puts "the pharaon" and, with her husband who put off his suit for wear a "djellaba", both of them in their own "mida", four men raise them up while a special song, like in the "amariya" earlier. "The pharaon" is a wonderful kind of dress with something very heavy put on the bride's head so she has to take it off quickly. Finally, she wears the bride's white dress, cut the wedding cake with her husband and go away with him so they can spend their wedding night.
And finally there is "Sbohi", the last but the not the least day.
After the weeding the bride spends the night at his new husband's for the first time and the next day (if they didn't already travel for their honeymoon) the bride wake up for his first breakfast with her new family, hers join her in the morning with traditionnal cake for the festivities.
It is an intimate day where only the two families are invited so they can know each others and build links to form one big family united. Then the husband's family make a big lunch for the two families so they spend this happy day together dancing and enjoying themselves once more. "
By Maria and friends...

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